Summary: One Piece: The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle (2006). The Straw Hat crew salvages a treasure chest from a sinking wreck, inside which they find an old lady. To get the pirates to take her home, she promises them the treasure of a golden crown on her island: Mecha Island. Upon arrival, the crew is attacked by the lord of the island but he has a change of heart and decides to seek their help to solve the mystery of the Golden Crown.
Other titles: One Piece Movie 7, One Piece: Karakuri Shiro no Mecha Kyohei, Karakuri Castle's Mecha Giant Soldier.
Language: Japanese, English Sub
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One Piece: The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle Includes Free Bonus:
4 hours of TV Commercials from the 1990's ($9.95 value)