Lego Star Wars The Resistance Rises (2016- ). The series stars the Freemakers, a family of scavengers who build and sell starships from the scoured debris of space battles strewn throughout the galaxy. When their youngest discovers a natural connection with the Force through an ancient artifact . The Kyber Saber, his world is turned upside down, and he and his family are thrown into an epic struggle against the Empire to restore peace and freedom to the galaxy. Throughout their adventures, the Freemakers explore new worlds, meet new and familiar characters, and learn the true value of what it means to be a family.
Creators: Bill Motz, Bob Roth, Carrie Beck
Stars: Vanessa Lengies, Nicolas Cantu, Matthew Wood.
5 Total Episodes on 1 DVD:
Lego Star Wars- The Resistance Rises Episode 1 Poe To The Rescue
Lego Star Wars- The Resistance Rises Episode 2 The Trouble With Rathtars
Lego Star Wars- The Resistance Rises Episode 3 Hunting For Han
Lego Star Wars- The Resistance Rises Episode 4 Rey Strikes Back
Lego Star Wars- The Resistance Rises Episode 5 Attack Of The Conscience