Shakespeare The Animated Tales (1992-1994). An animated adaptation of twelve of Shakespeare's best-known plays. The series was produced by S4C for the BBC, but animated by some of the foremost artists of Soyuzmultfilm, the former Soviet Union's main animation studio. Each 26-minute play is directed by a different animator, in a wide variety of styles: cel animation for Macbeth, stop-motion puppets in Twelfth Night, and paint on glass for Hamlet.
Stars: Alec McCowen, Michael Kitchen, Suzanne Burden.
12 Total Episodes on 2 DVDs:
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 1 - Tales Twelfth Night
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales Episode 2 - A Midsummer Night's Dawn
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 3 - Tales The Tempest
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 4 - Tales The Taming Of The Shrew
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 5 - Tales Romeo And Juliet
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 6 - Tales Othello
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 7 - Tales MacBeth
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 8 - Tales King Richard III
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 9 - Tales Julius Caesar
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 10 - Tales Hamlet
Shakespeare- The Animated Tales Episode 11 - Tales As You Like It
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales Episode 12 - The Winter's Tale