The Enchanted World of Brambly Hedge (1997-). The Enchanted World of Brambly Hedge is a stop-motion animated series based on the Brambly Hedge books by Jill Barklem. The show was produced by Reader's Digest Video[citation needed] and Hit Entertainment; in the United States, episodes began airing on the Starz premium channel in 1997.
8 Total Episodes on 1 DVD:
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 1 - Spring Story
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 2 - Summer Story
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 3 - Autumn Story
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 4 - Winter Story
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 5 - Sea Story
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 6 - Poppys Babies
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 7 - The High Hills
The Enchanted World Of Brambly Hedge Episode 8 - The Secret Staircase