Total Drama Ridonculous Race (2014- ). This spinoff of the Total Drama Island franchise puts a twist on the format. Rather than the animated show spoofing Survivor, it's a parody of The Amazing Race, sending its contestants on a journey around the world rather than stranding them on an island. Eighteen pairs of contestants are put through a series of physical and mental tests, with each challenge taking place in a different country. They must deal with baffling local customs in addition to the tough obstacles the show puts ahead of them. It's all a race to be the first team to get to the ultimate finish line; doing that nets the winning duo $1 million.
Creators: Tom McGillis, Jennifer Pertsch
Stars: Stacey DePass, Julie Lemieux, Scott McCord.
26 Total Episodes on 3 DVDs:
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 1 None Down, Eighteen To Go
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 2 None Down, Eighteen To Go
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 3 French Is An Eiffel Language
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 4 Mediterranean Homesick Blues
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 5 Bjorken Telephone
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 6 Brazilian Pain Forest
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 7 A Tisket, A Casket, I'm Gonna Blow A Gasket
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 8 Hawaiian Honeyruin
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 9 Hello And Dubai
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 10 New Beijinging
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 11 I Love Ridonc And Roll
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 12 My Way Or Zimbabwe
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 13 The Shawshank Ridonc-tion
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 14 Dawn And Outback
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 15 Maori Or Less
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 16 Little Bull On The Prairie
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 17 Lord Of The Ring Toss
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 18 Got Venom
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 19 Dude Buggies
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 20 El Bunny Supremo
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 21 Ca-noodling
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 22 How Deep Is Your Love
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 23 Darjeel With It
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 24 Last Tango In Buenos Aires
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 25 Bahamarama
Total Drama- The Ridonculous Race Episode 26 A Million Ways To Lose A Million Dollars