Dino Babies (1994-1995). Dino Babies is an Irish children's animated television series spotlighting six young dinosaurs who share stories and adventures. Dino Babies first aired on the BBC in the United Kingdom from 1994 to 1996. It comprised 26 20-minute double episodes. Dino Babies was broadcast on many international stations, but the show had a small success in the United States. In 1996, however, the series was syndicated across the world. The show had somewhat better success in Canada, where it aired on YTV from 1994 to 1999.
Creator: Fred Wolf
Stars: Kathleen Barr, Matt Hill, Sam Vincent.
5 Total Episodes on 1 DVD:
Dino Babies Episode 2 - Dak And The Beanstalk
Dino Babies Episode 3 - Goldisocks And The 3 Dino Bears
Dino Babies Episode 6 - Robbing Hood
Dino Babies Episode 20 - Big Blanket Bedtime Story
Dino Babies Episode 23 - Princess And The Pauper