OK K O! Let's Be Heroes Commercial (2017- ). OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes (also known simply as OK K.O.!) is an American superhero comedy animated series created by Ian Jones-Quartey (known for his work on Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Secret Mountain Fort Awesome, and Nockforce) and based on his pilot short Lakewood Plaza Turbo
Writers: Ian Jones-Quartey (creator), Mira Ongchua
Stars: Ashly Burch, David Herman, Ian Jones-Quartey.
6 Total Episodes on 3 DVDs:
OK K O ! Lets Be Heroes- Commercial Episode 1
OK K.O.! Lets Be Heroes- Commercial Episode 2
Ok.k.o.lets.be.heroes -Commercial Episode 03
OK K.O.! Lets Be Heroes- Commercial Episode 4
Ok K O Lets Be Heroes- Commercial Episode 05
Ok K O Lets Be Heroes- Commercial Episode 06